Academy of Arms



Our Sunday class is operational but currently full. Weeknight classes remain closed. We apologize for the inconvenience. We cannot accept walk-on visitors at this time. If you are vaccinated against COVID-19 and want to visit, we can add you to the waiting list for the Sunday class. Please be advised that masks and proof of vaccination are required. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Techniques Class (Tues 8-10pm, Sun. 10am-12pm)

Description: Learn the highly effective longsword techniques preserved in the manuscripts of the Medieval German Masters.  After 1-2 years of training, you have the option to use these techniques in a competitive bouting environment, though this is not required.  Students in the Techniques Class train primarily with the longsword, but are also invited to attend introductory workshops on other HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) weapons such as: rapier, dagger, grappling, spear, pollaxe, halfsword, sickle, messer, sword and buckler, and short staff. Participants are given an introduction on how to fall safely (breakfall training). Students use plastic training weapons at this level.

Prerequisite: none. Adults only.

Program: both Recreational and Historical.

Tactics Class (Sun. 12pm-2pm)

Description: Learn the tactics needed to become a more effective fighter.  The focus is on how and when to apply techniques, or combinations of techniques, to seize and hold the initiative in a duel.  We do extensive contact work and bouting using primarily the longsword, but other weapons are also explored.

Prerequisite: none.  Six-twelve months of the Techniques class is recommended.  If you join the Tactics class prior to that experience, there may be some exercises in which you will need to be an observer rather than a participant. Adults only.

Program: both Recreational and Historical.

Academics Class (Thur 8-10pm, Sun. 10am-12pm)

Description: A more in-depth look at the ten weapons in our system: longsword, rapier, dagger, grappling, spear, pollaxe, halfsword, sickle, messer, sword and buckler, and short staff.  Students will also learn medieval history and culture; the spelling, pronunciation and definitions of all of our vocabulary words; the knightly virtues; how to lead and teach; how to fall safely; and how to cut practice targets with a sharp sword.  This class is more academically-oriented than the Techniques Class and students will take a variety of tests. Students begin with plastic training weapons, advance to blunt steel, and eventually do limited work with sharps.

Prerequisite: passing the Apprentice test and earning the rank of Apprentice.  For most people, this will mean taking the Techniques class for 1-2 years prior to testing for Apprentice. Adults only.

Program: Historical.

R&D Class (Sun. 10am-12pm)

Description: This is an opportunity for experienced students to work on challenging research problems and create original interpretations of techniques for the weapons that most interest them. Sessions are held on an as needed basis.

Prerequisite: passing the Scholar test and earning the rank of Scholar.  For most people, this will mean taking the Academics class for 2-3 years prior to testing for Scholar. Adults only.

Program: Historical.

Recreational Program

Designed for busy people who struggle for free time to pursue their interests.  A good choice if your career, family, or college life is your primary focus but you would still like to pursue a martial art.  This is a non-academic track so there are no tests or ranks.  The focus is on the weapons, with minimal time spent on medieval history and culture.  Recreational students will experience all ten of the AoA weapons, breakfall training, and will have the opportunity to participate in competitive bouting if they so choose.


Historical Program

An immersive program for students with the time to pursue a deeper study of the weapons, history and culture of the Middle Ages.  This program uses a more traditional academic approach so there are a number of tests.  Participants move up the ranks as they conquer new challenges that sharpen both the body and mind.  Historical students learn additional techniques for each of the ten AoA weapons, breakfalling, and cutting with sharp swords.  Historical students also have the opportunity to participate in competitive bouting if they so choose.


AoA Diagram of Classes

The adult evening classes are in the studio. The Sunday adult classes are at Verdugo Park.

Academy of Arms, outside wind

Regular Adult Class Membership

Dues are $40 per month.  You are invited to attend one evening class each week, and/or the Sunday classes.  A good option for people with erratic schedules because it gives you two different opportunities to attend each week.  Also a good option for students who have the free time and want the challenge of training twice per week.


AoA students are free to switch programs at any time.

Click here find out how to join.

Click here to watch demonstration videos.

Dr. Forgeng and AoA at the 2011 Tournament of the Phoenix
Dr. Forgeng and AoA at the 2011 Tournament of the Phoenix. Photo by Amanda Mielke.

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