Academy of Arms


AoA Student Roster and Certifications
44 Active Members

Top Students at the Academy of Arms

1st: John Allison

2nd: Devin McCarthy

3rd: Dean Flagg

4th: Kevin Moran

5th: Kyrsten Magnuson

Alario, Chris Student none
Allison, John Scholar Prep yes
Barolet, Paul Student none
Bloom, Dawson Student none
Boren, Christopher Student none
Brauneck, George Apprentice yes
Brown, Michael Student none
Butler, Shaun Student none
Campen, David Student none
Castro, Joel Scholar Prep yes
Di Giorgio, David Student none
Dutson, Erik Student none
Eddy, Brendan Student none
Eiteman-Pang, Wilford Apprentice none
Fagan, Ian Scholar Prep Instructor yes
Flagg, Dean Apprentice yes
Gomez, Alfred Student none
Hernandez, Yngwie Student none
Hwang, Jennifer Student none
Imboden, Jason Scholar Prep Instructor yes
Jorand, Raphael Student none
Kavcar, Ozgur Scholar Prep Instructor yes
Keim, Robert Student none
Kelly, Collin Student none
Klompus, Maisie Student none
Kularajah, Arnand Student none
Lagunes, Rudy Student none
McCarthy, Devin Scholar Prep yes
McIntire, LeePatrick Student none
Magnuson, Greg Apprentice yes
Magnuson, Kyrsten Apprentice yes
Manda, Dale Apprentice none
Massey, James Student none
Moran, Kevin Scholar Prep yes
Ressler, Stephanie Student none
Richter, Brittany Student none
Roberts, Shay Scholar Prep Instructor yes
Robinson, Andrew Student none
Roop-Kharasch, Matthew Student none
Vissering, Galen Student none
Welch, Shawn Apprentice none
Willows, Ross Student none
Yan, Hao Apprentice yes
Zandvliet, Peter Student none


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