Note: this safety gear is not required to join the school, but it does become a requirement when you begin to bout, which happens a year or so into your training. Until then, just a mask and gloves is adequate, though you will get much more out of your training with additional safety gear.
There are two levels of safety gear, a synthetic kit for bouting with synthetic weapons, and a steel kit for bouting with steel weapons. About a year into training, students begin bouting with synthetic weapons. About 2 years into training, they begin bouting with steel weapons. Note: students can begin drilling with steel weapons at any time, but bouting with them safely requires significant training and more expensive safety gear.
NOTE: always check with your instructor before purchasing gear.

Economy: Blue Gauntlet ($52), you can also add 1" ensolite padding from Foam Mart ($30) or else get a SPES overlay ($109, buy a size bigger than you need so you have room for a gel cap [$30] underneath).
Deluxe: That Guy Steel Masks ($400)
- Both options satisfy synthetic and steel kit requirements, but the steel masks are better.
A mouthpiece is required when bouting with any weapon. The only exception is longsword bouting when there is no grappling (even then, a mouthpiece is recommended). A mouthpiece can be acquired for a modest price at any sporting goods store.
Economy: AF HEMA Gloves ($129). Order through the school for a discount. These gloves satisfy the synthetic AND steel kit requirements.
Deluxe: FG Sparring Gloves ($260). One of the best gloves available. These gloves satisfy the synthetic AND steel kit requirements.
Short-term: Brine Deft lacrosse gloves (best acquired on eBay, $40-$120 depending on if new or used). 13" is regular size; 12" for smaller hands.
Note: these gloves are only suitable for light drilling with synthetic weapons and do not satisfy the safety requirement for bouting with either synthetic or steel weapons.
AF HEMA Deluxe Neck Protector ($42 before shipping) - Satisfies both the synthetic and steel kit requirement.
Lacrosse Shoulders ($70) - Satisfies both the synthetic and steel kit requirement. Note: a less expensive model may be acceptable. Just be sure that it is low profile and has a big scoop in front of the neck.
SPES Forearm/Elbow Protector ($70) - Satisfies both the synthetic and steel kit requirement.
Chest/Torso (note: sizes run on the small side so go one size up)
Chest Protectors for women ($25) - satisfies the steel kit requirement for women; recommended for synthetic
Chest protectors for men ($33) - satisfies the steel kit requirement for men; recommended for synthetic
Cups ($25) for men - satisfies synthetic and steel kit requirements
Pelvic Protector ($35) for women - satisfies synthetic and steel kit requirements
Hip/Thigh protection not required for synthetic or steel kit, but is recommended: Hip pointer protection, options one or two ($20-$50)
Knee/Shin (knee coverage required for both synthetic and steel; shin coverage optional for both)
Economy: Fox Launch (approx. $65) knee/shin guards - satisfies both synthetic and steel kit requirements.
Foot/Ankle (optional for both synthetic and steel)
Adidas Ankle Guards ($8)
Umpire's shoes (approx $100) - foot injuries are rare so this is probably only worth the investment if you make a living working on your feet.
NOTE: always check with your instructor before purchasing gear.
Beginning students: $0 for equipment (we have loaner gear).
Total synthetic kit cost (for students six months in who are on a bouting track): $580-$744
$125.00 Pentti
$082.00 BG mask with foam padding for back of head protection
$130.00 AF gloves (or $260 for sparring gloves)
$042.00 AF gorget
$070.00 lacrosse shoulders (can be acquired used for half this price)
$070.00 SPES arms
$065.00 knees/shins
$030.00 Good cup or pelvic protector
[Students attending on Tues/Sun who budget $140/month can pay for all classes and bouting gear in about 6 months, or $90/month stretched out over a full year. Students taking only Sunday classes who budget $120/month can pay for all classes and bouting gear in 6 months, or $68/month stretched out over one year.]
Total steel kit cost (for students 2 years in who are bouting): $340
$300.00 Feder
$030.00 chest shield
$010.00 mouthpiece (only required for longsword+grappling)
[Students attending on Tues/Sun who budget $60/month (after their first six months) can pay for all classes and a steel kit by the time they hit the 2-year mark and are ready to fence with steel. This cost is $40/month for students taking only Sunday classes.]
Summary of Costs (classes + gear):
Tues/Sun: $140/month for months 1-6, $60/month for months 7-24, $40/month for months 24+.
Sunday only: $120/month for months 1-6, $40/month for months 7-24, $20/month for months 24+.
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